Thursday, May 21, 2009

Amazing Kinetics!

Kinetic sculpture that is! I came across this video of AMAZING kinetic wave sculptures, (thanks to my beautiful cousin Ella who so graciously sent me the link :)

I am amazed at the ambition some artists have to create and recreate their works until they have mastered an idea. There is something so awesome about the precision and mechanics of these sculptures.

The artist is Reuben Margolin, and math was clearly his strong point in school. Nature is constructed of mathematical equations, such as wavelength, crests and troughs of waves, and frequency. This artist has harnessed that knowledge and recreated delicate models of waves through geometry.
It truly is mind blowing!

Check out this video and prepare to be amazed!

1 comment:

Ella said...

You're the beauty m'dear. love you. xoxo